
Hello Philadelphia!


Hello Philadelphia!

Even though my remote practice has been in full swing, I decided to join a very prominent and popular spa in center city (16th/Walnut) Philadelphia to do more hands-on healing. This spa fit my ideal image of where my business needs to be right now: warm, friendly, peaceful, honest and fair and most of all - full of talent. The talent of these woman outshines everything else. These gals are my tribe.

It gives me a safe space to introduce Philly to the world of energy healing - my unique style. Wondering if people will get it, resonate with it and understand it, this has been on my mind day and night, week after week. Living in Philly for almost 10 years, I was fairly confident Philly would get it. And not just get it - love it, leverage it and include it in their lives to drive the personal transformation and individual answers to questions of health and wellbeing they are seeking.

That is my true wish for Philly. I am here to serve you.

As I meet more and more of you, grateful for the stories you share and the intimate secrets you divulge in the name of healing. I’m in awe of you. Hungry for spiritual insight and willing to try something new in the hopes of bringing you some relief, some direction, more love and of course true clarity. I won’t let you down.

Just as energy healing has opened me up to self-love, true love, self-respect, self-empowerment, success, new career heights and relationship peaks, I’m certain it will do the same for you. While the road is not always easy, great gifts are always at the end for the taking.

Will you take them? The choice is yours.

Hello Philadelphia! Thanks for the great big warm welcome. I am here to serve. My goal is simply to bring you closer to you.