Spiritual Health

Spiritual Growth


Growing up is hard to do.

We've heard that so many times, but you reach a point in your life when you become an adult and you think that the growing is over. Why doesn't anyone tell you it's really just begun? We establish our lives and of course our soul wants more; it wants to create, change, grow, crave and simply experience different. 

This is hard, and of course beautiful at the same time. 

I spent years trying to understand why I always wanted more and could never be 'happy'. Now I understand that as a human I'm constantly changing, evolving and in need of new challenges, new opportunities and new ways of being to satiate my soul. Admittedly, it's a bit tiring, and lonely at times, but always oddly satisfying. I guess my point is, embracing it has made the journey easier emotionally, somewhat less intense yet still pretty challenging. However, with each evolution comes enlightenment, joy, richness, satisfaction, more abundance, and just more ... much, much, more!

You're not confused, you're just growing. You're not crazy, you're just growing. You're not wrong, you're just growing. You're not hopeless, you're just growing. So grow. Face it. See what happens. 


Let It Out!


With this positive movement around us, it’s easy to get caught up in feeling guilty for having negative emotions or at the very least confusing emotions.

Emotions are so elusive anyway - or so we think... 

I don’t know about you, but I’m always some place in the middle of trying to understand them, attempting to honor them, being consumed by them and trying to hide them. Until recently, I decided about 6 months ago to just LET THEM ALL OUT. Yes, that’s right. Let my emotions flow out of me. Sit in a hot bath and cry. Get in-touch with some of the pain that is buried down deep. Feeling a bit crazy anyone? I have to say if you’re going to try this at home BEWARE! I’m only half kidding when I say that, but it’s so worth it when you get on the other side.

The biggest lessons I learned from this ‘crazy’ 6-month experiment:

1)    Owning your feelings feels good.

2)    When you feel broken that’s when you’re on the way to fixing and dare I say thriving.

3)    Emotions need to be released so if you are crying, laughing, burping, and/or yelling you are doing something right!

4)    Just breathe – breathing techniques were the anchor that aided me through this time. They can be so damn powerful!

5)    Learning other tools for release – as you all know I teach and consult using EFT which is a great tool to release feelings constructively. I also used meditation, hypnosis, energy healing on myself during this time.

6)    Don’t be afraid of people thinking you are psycho. I’m not sure why this one was such a big one for me. I guess as women and moms we feel like we have to hold everything together (and get judged), so if we aren’t together, what happens? Well, my husband and my daughter held everything together and guess what? They learned a hell of allot in the process.

7)    Owning your feelings doesn’t mean you have to be nasty to others.

8)    Feeling your feelings should be a private event for the most part.

9)    Being true to yourself is never wrong.

10) Stopping thinking there is an end. It’s a process to release anger, resentment, disappointment, fear, failure, etc. Just go with it and it will end faster.

Number 10 was the biggest lesson of all. I put so much pressure on myself to get over something, meanwhile I’m not really processing it while it happens. We need to process as humans in order to release. Release, process, release, process, and I promise you one day you will wake up just like I did and suddenly feel lighter and free.

‘You’ are back again - the ‘you’, you’ve missed - know well and love – this time stronger than before.

The promise I made to myself is to do a better job of owning my feelings. So, what if I’m angry, sad, upset, I’m going to feel it this time around, process it, deal with it and own it. Life is too short to worry about labels. I deserve a voice!


Be Emotionally Free


Think back to the last time you got in a fight with your spouse, boyfriend, sister or mother. Maybe you made up, maybe you agreed to disagree, or maybe you still harbor some resentment. No matter what scenario applies, what did you do to release the negative emotions you just experienced in that fight? How do you know they're gone? If you're like most people, the typical answer is nothing. Not because we don't want to release our negative emotions, we just don't know how.

Don't get me wrong, working out, running, listening to music, painting and meditating are all great ways to release feelings, but emotions are a bit different and tougher to release. A feeling is how we perceive an emotion, and ultimately we assign a certain meaning to that emotion. These perceptions can be altered pretty quickly. You simply alter your state by 'running that feeling out' for example; your endorphins spike, your perception changes and all seems well.

Unfortunately, that doesn't really change the emotion, or emotional residue that now remains in your energy field and nervous system. Over time this residue builds and eventually gets stuck. Inturn, you feel stuck. And stuck never really feels good. You can go change your state again, but you loop back again and get re-stuck. 

This is where EFT comes in. EFT or Emotional Freedom Technique is exactly that, it's a technique that frees you from being emotionally stuck. It gets rid of the old emotional residue, by tapping on certain meridian points, uncovering core issues that can hold you back from growing and changing. Once you are able to release the emotional trauma, you can blow through the core issue and consequently get your energy back in motion. You now become unstuck and can move forward in a new space!

I leverage EFT in my practice because I've seen speedy, impactful, and long lasting changes to emotional trauma.

If you want to try this at home, simply pick a meridian point (I use my Thymus point) and tap on it while you go for your daily jog or while driving in the car. Say outloud what is bothering you, continue that talk track as it spirals into an emotion, feel that emotion, and see it move out of your body. Keep Breathing. Breathe again. Release it out through the breath. 

For more information on EFT click here


Energy in Reality


It tends to get frustrating when the things we want aren’t appearing as quickly as we’d like them to in our lives. Working with energy, I experience this frustration first hand all the time. I manifest something in, I see it in the field, but it takes forever to show up in physical reality. I know the road is paved, it is happening, but when? I’m ready, damn it!! I’m ready! Especially hard for a 'Type A' personality. All I can do sometimes is just have faith, knowing it will show up when the time is right. There is just no getting around it.

Timing is a tough thing for me to pinpoint with my clients with laser sharp accuracy. Typically I can get a rough idea for days, weeks are much easier, and months are pretty clear, but anything sooner gets difficult to see. Over the years of experience, I have boiled it down to these four reasons.

1)    Possibilities

2)    Probabilities

3)    Destiny

4)    The Body Clock

Let’s take number one – possibilities. When energy starts to build around thoughts and emotions, the possibility of that thing you desire takes shape. You want a new love. You think it, feel it, let the desire in ~ wham~ there he or she is...well not so fast. There is still action that needs to be taken on that new energy. If you sit in your house all day alone the chances of meeting him isn’t going to be great. Sure you can bump into him at the grocery store, but if you are actively involved in a few hobbies and activities, the chances can go way up. Right person, right time. That brings us to probabilities. The energy is lined up, now the action is taken and you are in the game of increasing the probability that your new love will come in. Once a 65% chance of manifesting now has a 90% chance… big improvement!

Line up the energy + take the action. Both need to be activated.

All good right? Except for two pesky little things you still have to deal with. Let’s start with destiny. Destiny is an experience that you are meant to have in this life. It can not be moved, although it can be delayed a bit. So, if you are meant to meet your man after he’s had experience x and you’ve had experience y, that can not be undone.  If this is the case, you'll just have to wait for this to play out. 

Finally, being at the will of our body clocks is a reality. Our body is typically slower to adjust to movement than our being (spirit) clock. Our being creates very quickly, and our body needs to carry out the new concept, idea or creation. In order to do that, the body needs be able to handle this change in physical reality. Unlike the spirit that isn't tied to the concept of time, the body is a slave to the confines of time in our reality. Simply said, your body needs time to adjust to your intention. 

Seems daunting? Lucky for us energy moves faster than the speed of light. These 4 things might be delaying your dreams for a little while, but not to worry, energy shifts happen in a matter of microseconds. If you manifest it - trust it will be - it just may not happen in the time frame you want. 

Afterall life is meant to be an experience, so experience it. Try to let go the worry you have around the timing of it all and try to enjoy the journey. In retrospect, you may even think the timing was true perfection! 


Hello Philadelphia!


Hello Philadelphia!

Even though my remote practice has been in full swing, I decided to join a very prominent and popular spa in center city (16th/Walnut) Philadelphia to do more hands-on healing. This spa fit my ideal image of where my business needs to be right now: warm, friendly, peaceful, honest and fair and most of all - full of talent. The talent of these woman outshines everything else. These gals are my tribe.

It gives me a safe space to introduce Philly to the world of energy healing - my unique style. Wondering if people will get it, resonate with it and understand it, this has been on my mind day and night, week after week. Living in Philly for almost 10 years, I was fairly confident Philly would get it. And not just get it - love it, leverage it and include it in their lives to drive the personal transformation and individual answers to questions of health and wellbeing they are seeking.

That is my true wish for Philly. I am here to serve you.

As I meet more and more of you, grateful for the stories you share and the intimate secrets you divulge in the name of healing. I’m in awe of you. Hungry for spiritual insight and willing to try something new in the hopes of bringing you some relief, some direction, more love and of course true clarity. I won’t let you down.

Just as energy healing has opened me up to self-love, true love, self-respect, self-empowerment, success, new career heights and relationship peaks, I’m certain it will do the same for you. While the road is not always easy, great gifts are always at the end for the taking.

Will you take them? The choice is yours.

Hello Philadelphia! Thanks for the great big warm welcome. I am here to serve. My goal is simply to bring you closer to you. 

Let Her Fail

Photo by Diana Feil on Unsplash

Photo by Diana Feil on Unsplash

This week I’ve been presented with some different opinions around motherhood. I’m not sure I would have heard them 6 months ago, but this time I was ready. A part of me has been keeping it all together, making sure the family flows just right. Everyone is happy, things are in the right spot where they need to go – well most of the time anyway.

But is this all a little too much? Is making things perfect for my daughter really the best thing for her? I’m not saying I don’t let her fall down when I know she’ll fall safe, just so she can experience what it’s like to fall. But, am I stripping her from other experiences because I want to save her from pain?

I know just as well as anyone else, no one can escape pain. While bullying is wrong, and not sharing is wrong and feeling awkward and vulnerable and out of place is painful. Isn't there a part to this that our kids need to experience, just like we did?

I say yes. But when is the right time? When do you let go? When do you start to lay back and give them their independence enough to stumble, fall, be uncomfortable.

All kids are different but around 3 ½ is when I started to notice she was ready for this next step - I just needed to get ready myself. I think that took a little longer. Now at the dinner table we not only talk about what we're grateful for but also our one failure for the day. We celebrate both.  

The good news is that with this change I finally feel free to get back to me. Find that old go-getter, sexy, fun, full of life me.

It’s time to let her out, the family needs her too.

The Spiritual Side Of Health


For as long as I’ve been reading and healing a variety of health issues for individuals, one thing remains true, the state of health is dynamic and ever changing. However, there are typically 6 components that I often see that make up a person’s overall balance of health & wellness.

These components are: structural, physical, bio-chemical, emotional, mental and spiritual.  The first three are all things that can be treated by different types of doctors, herbalists, nutritionists, etc. The last three components to health are more spiritual in nature.

When you fall, get cut and your hand bleeds, it may in fact need stitches, but, did you ever think about the reason why it happened in the first place? A clumsy slip of the heel, perhaps, a message from your spirit, certainly possible.

I often encounter life transitions and changes occurring in my clients through injuries and illness. For example, it’s time for you to move out of the city, you know it, but something is holding you back. Signs continue to come, now you really know it, yet you remain. Suddenly, walking home from work a biker runs into you causing a concussion, or you fall in the street needing stiches. When your inner voice is there and you don’t respond, your intuition is calling and you ignore it, something happens to make you listen. A move you have to make, that book you have to start, the family you need to create, the self-love you need to develop, the pause you have to take in your life to find enjoyment, the list goes on.  

Listen to your injuries, listen to your illness, your disease, your weakness. They hold a story that can unlock emotional and mental blocks, anguish, invalidation, pain and suffering. We are all dynamic beings and in order to manage health we need to honor the entirety of us.